
film, halloween Eric Rezsnyak film, halloween Eric Rezsnyak

Best Horror Film Franchise

Are you ready to scream? For this Halloween special, the panel debates 16 of the most legendary horror-movie franchises of all time. “Halloween” to “Scream,” Universal Monsters to “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” this one is a kller.

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geek, halloween Eric Rezsnyak geek, halloween Eric Rezsnyak

Best Pop-Culture Witch

The panelists discuss 16 of the most legendary witches from movies, television shows, comic books, books, and more, including the Wicked Witch of the West, Samantha Stevens, Minerva McGonagall, and many more.

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halloween Eric Rezsnyak halloween Eric Rezsnyak

Best Halloween Candy

The panel debates the best candy you could hope to get in your sack while trick-or-treating, and which loser candies you would stick in your little brother's bag. (You all know you did it.)

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