Open Polls
POLL: Best “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Episode
From the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, Buffy the Vampire Slayer merged teen drama and campy horror into one of the most inventive and shocking shows on television. With a reboot in the works, we want to look back at the best Buffy episodes — and we need YOUR votes!
POLL: Best Mariah Carey Song
Mariah Carey has been topping charts and breaking our hearts for more than 30 years. We want to look back at her incredible songbook and determine her very best song of all time.
POLL: Best Super Nintendo Game
With Nintendo Switch 2 bringing Nintendo into the future, we’re throwing it back to the past by considering the best Nintendo games from the 1990s on the Super Nintendo system.
POLL: Best Annie Lennox Song
Annie Lennox has been blowing away audiences with her signature vocal since emerging in Eurythmics, and then took the pop world by storm as a solo act starting in the 1990s. We want to look back at her best songs but we need YOUR votes.
POLL: Best Grunge Song
Grunge music was a shock to the sonic system of the 1990s. We want to look back at these raw, confronting rock songs and determine the best grunge anthem of all time.
POLL: Best Fantasy Film (1975-1999)
The fantasy film genre — movies dealing with swords, sorcery, and the supernatural — had a massive upswing in the late 20th Century. We want to look back at these bewitching films and discuss the very best of them.
POLL: Best Gen 2 Pokemon (CLOSED)
Vote for your favorite Generation 2 Pokemon! YOUR PICKS help determine the 16 Johto Pokemon we’ll discuss in our upcoming episode!
POLL: Best Queen Single (CLOSED)
Vote for your favorite singles by British rock icons, Queen! YOUR PICKS help determine the 16 songs we’ll discuss in our upcoming episode!
POLL: Best Celine Dion Song (CLOSED)
Celine Dion is unquestionably one of the most gifted singers of our lifetimes. We’re celebrating Celine’s decades-spanning career with this episode, and we need YOUR VOTES to do it!
POLL: Best John Waters Film (CLOSED)
John Waters has been pushing boundaries and shocking audiences for nearly 60 years. Relive the Pope of Trash’s filmography and pick YOUR favorites, so we can discuss them in an upcoming episode!
POLL: Best Britney Spears Music Video (CLOSED)
It’s Britney, bitch! For Season 10 we’re discussing the best Britney music videos and we need YOUR VOTES. We’ll discus the 16 most-popular options in an upcoming of thepodcast.
POLL: Best WWE Champion (CLOSED)
It’s a smackdown, and we like it RAW. Vote for your favorite WWE champions so that we can narrow down the heavyweight field to the most popular 16 kings (and queens) of the ring.
POLL: Best Billy Joel Single (CLOSED)
We didn’t start the fire, but we ARE looking to name the best Billy Joel song. So open a bottle of red, a bottle of white — it all depends upon your appetite — and vote for YOUR favorite Billy Joel singles. The 16 most popular songs will be debated on the podcast!
POLL: Best Tina Turner Single (CLOSED)
The world lost a true legend when Tina Turner passed in 2023 at age 83. We’re going to discuss and debate her songs, but we need YOUR VOTES to help us stick to, well, simply The Best. VOTE NOW!
POLL: Future Throwback Topics (Winter/Spring 2025)
Have your say on what topics covering the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s we should cover in future seasons of the podcast.