Open Polls
POLL: Best Grammy Winner for Best New Artist (CLOSED)
The Best New Artist Grammy Award has been called a curse — but it has also gone to some of music’s biggest new stars. VOTE NOW on your favorite stars who have been given the honor!
POLL: Best Song of 1978 (CLOSED)
The end of the 1970s produced some iconic songs in disco, pop, rock, r’n’b, funk, and so much more. Vote on YOUR favorite songs from 1978 and help us determine the tracks we debate in an upcoming episode of the podcast!
POLL: Best Tina Turner Single (CLOSED)
The world lost a true legend when Tina Turner passed in 2023 at age 83. We’re going to discuss and debate her songs, but we need YOUR VOTES to help us stick to, well, simply The Best. VOTE NOW!
POLL: Future Music Topics (Winter/Spring 2025)
Have your say on which music-related episodes the podcast should record in future seasons.